Over the years, we’ve conducted deep dives into the issues surrounding electrification and clean energy in communities across the country.  Our approach to strategic communications is guided by the insights we’ve gained through thousands of conversations with utilities, governments, nonprofits, private companies — and consumers.

Envisioning Virtual Environment Days

In light of the continued press of disturbing public health news, we have spent the past weeks helping our partners across the country — which include some of the nation’s largest companies, public agencies, and community organizations involved in electric vehicles...

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MASS DRIVE CLEAN 2017 Kick-Off Event

As the wind picked up and the rain became a spitting mist, nothing could keep the smiles off of everyone’s face or wane the excitement that buzzed around the Biogen campus in Weston, Massachusetts as electric vehicles and bicycles arrived for the kick-off event for...

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The Art of Successful Cold Calling

Remember when every phone number that was deemed important you had to memorize or came in a catchy commercial jingle such as JJ Wentworth’s infamous “877-NeedCashNow”  humdinger? How about when you were actually excited to get a call on your phone? In today’s world of...

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Things are Getting Eventful

In a recent review of the past election, Nate Silver from 538 mentioned in passing a little discussed fact - during the key home stretch, the Trump campaign conducted 50% more public events with their candidate than the Clinton campaign. It’s one of few areas during...

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Other News from the REACH Team