Giving Thanks to All We Are Grateful For

This year as the world reopened and people came back together, we became more aware of the things we are thankful to have in our lives. Let us tell you in our own words what has made us grateful in 2021.


The other day I found while reading about my personality type that I express and interpret gratitude differently than others. Rather than writing in gratitude journals or lists, I practice gratitude by writing thank you notes or texting my appreciation to loved ones, donating or giving my time to organizations I cherish, and being aware of and appreciating my surroundings, particularly in nature. My loved ones remind me that I am not alone, organizations remind me that the world is larger than myself, and nature reminds me of my purpose. These three things bring me joy and are what I am the most thankful for. 


I am so thankful we have a vaccine for COVID-19 this year! From 2020 to the early part of 2021 was lonely and difficult, and I am very blessed to be able to see family for the holidays this year. I am also grateful to work with a great team and partners. I am grateful to live in a state that provides the opportunity to see the ocean, mountains, and desert in one week.


Though the pandemic may have robbed me of other things I would have liked to have done and seen, I’ve had the pleasure of slowing down and spending my weekends with my “Quarantine Group” which consists of my grade-school best friend, my cousin, her husband, and their three kids who are the cutest little sour patch kids. I am grateful that I get to be “Auntie” to kids that fill my heart with joy and never fail to make me laugh. Getting to be a part of their lives fills me with love, gratitude, and purpose. 

There is so much for me to be thankful for; my two pups, Spencer and Cyrus, who make sure I spend time outside, my parents and their good health, counting down the last few days of being in a long-distance relationship, friendships and relationships that continue to thrive despite the pandemic, getting vaccinated, joining the REACH team, Adele’s new album coming out this month … life is good, and I am so grateful that I get to live this life of mine.


So much has changed in the past year! A cross-country move, a new job, and the addition of two beautiful nieces to my growing family. I am beyond thankful for the health of myself and my loved ones both human and fur-family! I am the most thankful for the progress my pup Rae has made with her fight against cancer. From October 2020 to May 2021 she underwent 3 surgeries and 15 radiation therapy (RT) treatments. Today she is here with us stronger than ever six months after her last RT treatment!!! Looking towards 2022, I am hopeful it will be one of the best years yet!


I am grateful for my amazing daughter, this incredible team, our wonderful partners, and the chance to do this work. Too many things to count feeling grateful and incredibly fortunate. And very focused on doing whatever I can to help others given the chance to be in such a lucky spot.


I am grateful for quality time with my family. My two boys are growing up so fast! They are one and three years old.  I am working to be as present as possible with them. Seeing them learn and grow this year has filled my heart with gratitude!


In a professional sense, I am extremely grateful to be employed and work with such influential and hard-working individuals who consistently show up every day and want to make the world we live in a better place!

Personally, I am thankful for good health, my family, and my friends. It’s the little things daily we take for granted that remind me how blessed I am - like being able to grab fresh air during lunch, or technology which allows me to stay in touch with family and friends who live far away! I am also extremely thankful for my pets. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


There are so many things I’m grateful for this year – my family, our health, work I enjoy – just to name a few. Today, I’ll focus on this wonderful puppy. He came to live with us in February 2021. Every day he makes me laugh, reminds me to get outside to play, and not to take things too seriously. He’s also a complete snuggle puppy and the biggest (110lbs and still growing) goofball!


As I reflected on the many adventures and challenges I've experienced, I tried to pick out one thing that I am grateful for but my mind kept filling with the faces of the many people who have been there by my side over the years. Many of them are still here with me, and for that, I am so thankful — my life is filled with so many friends and family that share their love and support. I am truly blessed.


There is so much for me to be thankful for this year, I don't know how to put it all in words. Family, health, happiness. My belly is full, my child is thriving, my days are fulfilling, my nights are warm and restful. I am surrounded by kindness, empathy, and purpose. How do you say that you are thankful for "everything" without diminishing the meaning and importance of each thing you are grateful for? I guess I could express it with smiles, laughter, and love. So behind these words I am grinning, giggling, and sending kindness as a reflection of my gratitude for everything in my life.


This year I am grateful for my team, family, friends, and community, as they all keep me grounded and entertained. 2021 was truly a year of finding myself. I entrenched my love for a few new hobbies, reconnected and strengthened my friendships and relationships with my family, moved out of my parent’s house and headed out to Brooklyn, and all the while refined my understanding of the world around me and who I am. It was also my first time feeling like an uncle as a few of my friends started families of their own.


I'm beyond grateful for the community of support that the past year has revealed for my family. The pandemic has been challenging for our community stretching us all in ways we could not have imagined, but the resilience of empathy has truly shown through. Through the lens of my own experience, I am grateful for renewed and revalued relationships with family and friends. It's truly something to celebrate this thanksgiving.


I am particularly thankful for my friends and former classmates this year. They continuously checked in on me over the course of the pandemic and aftershocks of it that really helped me to keep pushing forward with getting my coursework in and self-betterment. They also threw me a surprise celebration for my graduation and really helped keep me afloat when I was in the doldrums at times.

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