Hey, I’m Finn, and I’ll Be Your Intern Today

Hello, World!

My name is Finn Olseth, hailing from Mankato Minnesota, and I’m one of the interns at REACH Strategies. Currently, I am entering my senior year as an undergraduate student at St. Olaf College. I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Biology with a concentration in Environmental Studies. This degree path as well as a liberal arts education has helped foster my interest in learning sustainable methods and practices and also provides the opportunity to educate others about them. 

REACH has been the perfect place for me to gain experience and gratification through communication and education of electric vehicles and the impact that they can have. Being a part of a larger message and contributing to the adoption of newer, greener technologies has built up my continued support of EVs as I learn more about the power of community, implementation and outreach. 

Why I Want To Be A Part of What REACH is Doing

I started my internship with REACH by participating with the annual Google Environment Day event in 2019 held at Google headquarters in Mountainview California. REACH had taken along a group of six students from St. Olaf College in order to assist the production of this big event. Right away, we were welcomed as members of the team and were tasked with setting up the elaborate city of tents that would serve as an event plaza the following day. 

This is me with REACH's CEO Kirk Brown at Google Environment Day. REACH isn't your average internship.

Definitely the highlight of this experience was being able to assist and meet the various environmentally friendly and focused vendors who were invited to present their missions during the fair.

I also was able to interact with Google employees who were attending the event, including an in-depth conversation with the winners of the Google Green Award that year, a group who had developed a new AI energy efficiency regulator to decrease the electric usage in buildings. From this outstanding start, my enjoyment and passion for the work has only continued to grow; each event has led to new experiences, exposure to a diverse community of people, and an overall understanding of REACH’s mission of EV education and adoption.

I think that REACH has tapped into something that no one else has done. In my time here, I have been able to witness the organic enthusiasm from partners who have signed on and participated in REACH events. Through campaign planning and event design, the REACH team has created what seems to be a perfect formula for community engagement, interest in EVs and their lofty goals to improve communities. It is gratifying to participate in these events and experience the amount of interest that is generated through ride and drives. It truly is contagious. 

Even in this current climate, with the inability to do in-person events, there has been adaptation towards a virtual platform of EV education. Not only does this allow for the continuation of public events and community building, but it also increases accessibility with the same levels of engagement. I have bought into the REACH team’s message and have seen first hand the high level of excitement that is inspired by electric vehicle adoption.

Looking Ahead

I like to believe that I can supplement the already dedicated REACH team in educating communities about the benefits of going electric, as well as other sustainable lifestyle choices. Additionally, this position has provided me with a dynamic experience with event planning, community outreach, and communication-based services. With this increased interest in sustainability, as well as interpersonal skills, I am currently looking at applying to law programs, specifically environmental law and policy regulation. I’m not sure I would have done that otherwise.

At REACH, we know a better world is possible. 

I’m excited to help make that happen. 

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